Extremist Productions

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Two brand new hot-from-the-oven Walkman songs are ready to be downloaded from the Noise page! Kill kill kill!

I had almost forgotten how to update this piece of shit.. and I don't know if anyone is going to read this but I'm going to tell you a story anyways. I've been working on this CD since last summer and when it was ready then I got so sick of it that I crapped on it, burned it and sent it to hell.. No no, I'm just kidding, I uploaded it onto the Web so that the beautifull you could listen to my sickness!! Enjoy!

Well, it's finally here! Check the dope page for more info on the Redguy/thejohnproject/Walkman split!

Finally a new look! Now, it should be simpler to navigate through the site! There are no new mp3's or something like that, however Redguy is planning on adding some soon, so that should be interesting. But the big news are that "thejohnproject, Walkman and Redguy split" is on it's way to reality, this will be no more than 60 minutes long, each project with 5 songs. It'll be labeled as an Extremist Productions item but with a partnership from HK records, hopefully released soon! Keep your eyes out!

THE REDGUY mp3s are up!!!!!!!!! go download them now or DIE! These are good stuff and you can expect more to come soon! Also in way check out the Walkman and thejohnproject MP3s in the sound section too. go. NOW.

It has been a VERY long time since anything has been updated around here.. we have a new addition to the Extermist roster: REDGUY! Dengsi Drulla is the mastermind behind this yet another grindmetaldeathcore computer generated band. Check out the sound page soon for mp3s of REDGUY and hopefully soon new Walkman and Thejohnproject mp3s also. Peace.

Finally the mp3s are back up! They have been moved to mp3.com.. the links are at the sound page. Please go and download all you can bear..

The long-awaited Walkman/thejohnproject split will very likely become a reality in the near future. In cooperation with Harškjarni Records the split will be released in an extremely limited number of copies. Keep your eyes open.

The sound files are down for now... they'll be up again soon. Look out for the thejohnproject/walkman split coming soon!!

More sound files up... We'll be adding the like crazy so.. just keep on downloading and listening to the soothing tones.

Ok so the sound files are up... you got 4 songs from thejohnproject and 3 songs from walkman but more to come!

Well, the site is up and now you can explore the many wonders of the extremist productions demented artists! Enjoy!

Thejohnproject is a stupid name which the man behind the music, Siggi, hasn't been able to get rid of the past 4 years. TJP started as a little computercore thingie done by then 14 year old Siggi Oddsson and evolved into an athmosferic noiserockmetal thing which was really hard to listen to and thus evolved further to become a solo acoustic indie-pop outfit. Recorded in his room using N-track 3, his guitars, one mic and occasionally a drum machine TJP's music is soothing and athmosferic at times but with a sinister soul.

Walkman is a deathgrind/punk/hardcore/emo/noise project done by Eišur which he records in his basement on his computer and records with n-track like thejohnproject. Walkman makes his music with guitar... cakewalk drums and more instruments which he has. He makes very unusual noise songs, like he has one which is a recording of all the ringtones in his phones at the same time while he's telling himself to wake up. It's phsychotic. He has done split songs with famous projects like Woundfuck and Splatter and thejohnproject. (check the noise page to dl mp3's by Walkman).

Redguy is the latest addition to the Extremist roster. Redguy is a metal/noise/punk/rock & roll band made with n-Track Studio 3.0 like the other two projects and an in-computer drum machine. Redguy is known for the million dollar guitar riffs, distorting screams, horrific ambient noise and the impossible-to-do grind parts in his songs. The Man behing Redguy is Einsi, beware of him. This project was born in the middle of 2001 so it's just a baby compared to thejohnproject or Walkman... Redguy is a most promising addition to the roster of the Extremist Empire and it is clear that many good things are yet to come. Check out the noise page for Redguy songs in mp3 format.

June the 5th
Facing Life
So Simple

Something Else
White Clouds (soothing sound)
What is Together?
To the Ground


Opens in a new window!!!

the threesome split

Order the split at:
- snafu@dordingull.com

Additional Information:
- The CD is more than 60 min long!
- 16 tracks! (including the intro)
- It only costs 500 kr (around 6$)
- MP3 samples will come soon...?

Special thanks:
- Valli at dordingull.com

Green Synthe Machine
Tormentor was Tormented
Emotional Complexity
Not Enough?
Run Back Over

Something Else
Hunny Hunny V.3

Lying Truth
One Lonely Night
Embrace (cover)
Beauty Angel
Black Rose